Sunday, September 27, 2015

Chapter 4 The Marketing Environment

The way in which a company brands itself to make business is crucial to it's success. Having a certain set of values and morals determine the sort of response a company will get from consumers anywhere. But when an environment changes, so do our values. A company can only maintain its position throughout the years if it develops its thinking such as the consumer. 

Many American values are becoming marketing trends. Swarovski Crystals has taken a stance on Women's Empowerment Principles, since March 2014. Expressing that female employees make up 70% of their workforce. Najda Swarovski who is an Austrian business woman and the great-great granddaughter of Daniel Swarovski (founder of Swarovski crystals) quotes "SIGNING UP TO WEP WILL HELP US TO PROVIDE A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO ACHIEVING GENDER EQUALITY AT SWAROVSKI, AND WE WILL WORK TO ENSURE THAT ITS PRINCIPLES ARE FULLY INTEGRATED INTO OUR DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION PROJECTS." 

Thus showing the values of the Swarovski Company, which will attract individuals who follow the same values and have very similar morals. The principles they have promised and agreed to follow are: Leadership that promotes gender equality, Equal opportunity and non discrimination, encourage economic and social conditions that provide opportunities for women and men, girls and boys. 

This strategy not only falls into Swarovski supporting American values but social changes and component lifestyles which shows diversity in what an individual can be. Not many individuals in the United States of America want to buy products of companies who have non-liberal views. 
The people want to choose products and services that meet a certain diversity, rather than adapting to traditional stereotypes. 

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