Monday, October 26, 2015

Chaopter 9: Advertising & Public Relations

We are affected by advertising wherever we may go. With humorous or emotional ads companies try to influence our attitude towards the brand or product for a benefit on their part. Swarovski crystals uses Fantasy to create a style of advertising. When the viewer see's an advertisement for their products they experience a range of emotions and begin to imagine what it would be like using that product. Crystals set to wear for the body or ornaments placed around the house are a part of the lifestyle Swarovski offers, which intrigues potential buyers. Major advertising types used by

Swarovski are outdoor media - advertisements you see on the bus/train on an billboard in times square perhaps. The Internet is a second medium for Swarovski, advertisements that they display on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The exposure towards outlets like these are great and benefit towards  the company as a whole.

Swarovski uses coupons for sales promotion, increasing the amount of a product bought. The consumer can print out coupons at home from many websites online and use them towards purchasing.

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